X-RAY Tube Data:-
- Microcontroller Based, Easy Operational and user friendly X-Ray Control Console.
- Auto shut down Facilities(Collimator will automatically switched off).
- Certified Silicon/PVC wires used for internal wiring for protection against heat and fire.
- Microntroller based Program protects X-Ray Tube life from overload due to exposure time.
- Powerful circuit design provides maximum mA and Kvp output accuracy (actual result).
- Two types of Exposure switches (wire hand switch and Touch switches on control console)
- Audio Tone at the time of X-RAY Exposure.
- Booster transfarmer used in filament circuit.
- Movements of Tube (up & down) controlled by electro-mechanical device.
- Measuring Tape and LED Based Collimator.
- HRAY 300 is protected by its in build protection circuits, Fuses and MCBs.
HRAY-300 diagnostic High Quality X-ray generator
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Technical Specifications
Control Console
- mA mA up / down selector
- mAs MAs time selector
- KVP Kvp up / down selector
- Table Bucky Table BUCKY on / off
- Vertical Bucky Vertical BUCKY on/off
- Collimator Collimator on/off
- I Exposure I Exposure ready
- II Exposure X- Ray Exposure
- Reset Parameters Reset
- X-Ray X Ray indicator
- Mains Main power supply indicator
- System ready Machine ready indicator
- ON Machine switch on button
- OFF Machine switch off button
Technical Specification Model: HRAY 300
- Type of Model Type of Model
- Power Supply Two Phase
- Input Voltage 415 VAC, 50/60 Hz
- Control Panel Digital display control based
- mA Range 50, 100, 200, & 300 mA
- mAs Range 4 to 600 (6 sec.)
- KVP Range 40 to 125 KVP
- Digital Display mA, mAs, KVP Displayed on Control Panel
- Power Rating 24 kW
- Type of X-Ray Tube Rotating Anode (20/40 dual focus)
X-RAY Tube Data:-
1. These tube have focus 2.0 & 1.0 and are available for maximum tube voltage 125 kV.
2. Class I ME Equipment as per IEC Classification ( IEC60601-1:2005)
3. X-ray Tube voltage – 125 kV.
4. Nominal Focal Spot Value large focus – 2.0, small Focus 1.0.
5. Nominal R. adiographic Anode Input Power : At