HEXOPACK is available in three different Strengths of the following composition:
HEXOPACK-240-Each vials contains iohexol USP 517.85 mg/ml, equivalent to lodine 240 Mg/ml
HEXOPACK-300-Each vial contains local USP 647.10 mg/ml, equivalent to Lodine 300 Mgl/ml
HEXOPACK-350-Each vial contains iohexol USP 755 mg/ml, equivalent to Lodine 350 Mgl/ml

Lesser influence on haemodynamic parameters.
Low serum protein binding. +Little effect on coagulation.
Low erythrocyte deformability
Low osmolality.
Low systemic toxicity.
Low inhibition of enzyme activity.

Warning and Precautions:
GASTROPACK:- Sodium Distrzoste 417 mg/ml lodine Content-250 mg/m Qualitative & Quantitative Composition Each mi GASTROPACK contains 417 mg Sodium Diatrizate It contains excipients viz. solubilizers, preservatives, mixed fruit favour, etc
Indications-This product is for use by oral or rectal administration only: GASTROPACK is a contrast medium for the radiological examination of the gastrointestinal tract. It
is administered orally or as an enema & is indicated in cases where use of barium sulphate is unsatisfactory or contraindicated. These include:

suspicion of a radiologically undetectable perforation or anastomotic delect in the oesophagus &/or gastrointestinal tract
prior resection of the stomach or the intestine (danger of perforation or leak)
small bowel obstruction
acute haemonhage
visualisation of a gastrointestinal fistula.
threatening perforation (peptic ulcer, diverticulum)
visualization of a foreign body or tumour before endoscopy
postoperative ileus
other acute conditions which are likely to require surgery suspected partial or complete stenosis

Treatment of uncomplicated meconiumlleus
Computerised tomography in the abdominal region
- In addition to these situations, GASTROPACK can generally be used for the same purposes as banium sulphate with the exception of the visualization of mucosal diseases Due to the insufficient coating properties of GASTROPACK, barium sulphate should be used for single or double contrast techniques. In combination with barium sulphate, GASTROPACK has improved routine investigation of the gastrointestinal tract both from diagnostic & organisational point of view. It is unsuitable for the diagnosis of enteritis.
- The danger of incorrect diagnoses in computerised tomography in the abdominal regions is significantly reduced if the intestine is opacited with GASTROPACK, especially for differential diagnoses in the minor pelvis. GASTROPACK facilitates delmitation of the intestine from neighbouring organs & permits an assessment of changes in the shape of the pancress.

Young infants (age<1years)& newborns are susceptiles to electrolyte inbalance & haemodynamic alteration. Particualr attension should be paid to the dose of contrast medium to be given, the technical performance of the radiological procedure and the patient status. Because of its high osmotic pressure & the tendency to absorption from the intestine, GASTROPACK should not be administered to newborn, infants, & young children in doses higher then those recommended, In newborns & infants low osmolar contrast media can often be used more safely than the high osmolar GASTROPACK.

& death Special Warnings & Precautions for Use The following risks are higher in the case of intravascular administration of iodinated contrast media but are also relevant for the enteral use of GASTROPACK.

-any history of allergic disorders -history of bronchial asthma
-a previous anaphylactoidhypersensitivity reaction to lodinated contrast media
Particularly care risk-benefit assessment is required in patients with a previous anaphylactid/hypersenstivity reaction to any other iodinated contrast medium because of an increased risk of anaphylactoid hypersensitivity reactions in these patients. Patients taking beta blockers who experience such reactions may be resistant to treatment with beta agonists. Patients with cardiovascular disorders are more susceptible to serious or even fatal outcomes of severe anaphylactoid hypersensitivity reactions. Thyroid Dysfunction Particularly careful risk-benefit assessment is required in patients with known or suspected hyperthyroidism or goitre as iodinated contrast media may interfere with thyroid function, aggravate or induce hyperthyroidism & thyreotoxic crisis. Testing of thyroid function prior to Distrizate sodium solution USP administration &for preventive thyreostatic medication may be considered in patients with known or suspected hyperthyroidism
- System Organ Class
- Immune system disorders
- Endocrine disorders
- Metabolism & nutrition disorders
- Nervous system disorders
- Cardiac disorders
- Vascular disorders
- Respiratory thoracic &mediastinal disorders
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Skin & subcutaneous tissue disorders
- General disorders & administration site conditions.
Vomiting Nausea Diarrhoea
Common (≥21/100)
- Rare
(<1/1000) - Anaphylactold shock Anaphylactoid / hypersensitivity reaction
- Hyperthyroidism
- Fluid & electrolyte imbalance
- Disturbances in consciousness, Headache, Dizziness
- Cardiac arrest, Tachycardia
- Shock, Hypotension
- Bronchospasm, Dyspnoea, Medication aspiration, Pulmonary
- oedema following, aspiration, Aspiration pneumonia
- Intestinal perforation, Abdominal pain Oral mucosal blistering
- Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Urticaria, Rash, Pruntus, Erythema, Oedema face
- Pyrexia, Sweating
Approve as an oil-based radiopaque Diagnosis and therapeutic agent:
Approve as an oil-based radiopaque Diagnosis and therapeutic agent:
Vascular embolization with surgical glue
Conventional Trans-Arterial Chemo-Embolization(cTACE)
Lymphography (Chylous syndromes, obstruction & collateral flow)
Better arterial enhancement of tumous
Early venous enhancement
complete visualization of arterioportal vascular bed
Quick to find leak site
Better real time imagine
Approve for use in adults and paediatric population including zero age
Available in vials of 10ml , 15ml & 20ml
Active Ingredient ''Gadoterate Meglumine' filed with US FDA (US DMF #36148)

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